5 steps to develop your professional network in Africa

5 steps to develop your professional network in Africa

It's not easy to develop a professional network. In Africa, the popular so-called “It's not what you know, but who you know” takes on its full meaning in the professional world. Indeed, developing your network is often the key to advancing your career on this continent where personal relationships are so important. Yet, the idea of ​​networking can seem intimidating to many.

  • Where to meet the right people ?
  • How to get in touch with strangers ?
  • How to maintain these relationships over time ?

Fortunately, it is entirely possible to build a solid professional network in Africa by following a few simple steps.

In this article I will share 5 practical tips to help you expand your circle and strengthen your relationships, with the aim of boosting your career. You will see, itIt's easier than it looks!

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Simply define your goals, establish a base of contacts, actively reach out to new people, stay in touch, and bring value to your network. But before we begin, here's how to build a Action plan to build an online business. Let's go !!

1. Identify your goals 🎯

The first crucial step to developing your professional network is to clearly identify your objectives. Take the time to honestly think about what you want to accomplish through your networking.

What are your short and long term targets? Visualize your goals as targets 🎯 and write them down:

  • Are you looking for a new job? Your target is 🎯 land a job in the next 6 months.
  • You want toreach out to your customers business? Your goal may be to 🎯 increase your turnover by 30% this year thanks to new customers.
  • Do you need advice to launch your startup? You aim 🎯 to find a mentor who can guide you on this adventure.
  • You just want expand your network in the industry ? Your goal is then 🎯 to add 50 new relevant contacts on LinkedIn.

The more specific your goals, the easier it will be to determine who to include in your network and how to interact with those contacts. This clarity will help you to stay focused and not to waste time with relationships that do not bring you closer to your targets.

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2. Build your contact list 📝

Make a list of people who might already be in your network. Think about your former colleagues, your fellow students, your close friends who work in your sector, your family, etc.

Don't forget your contacts on social networks like LinkedIn, which can also be very useful. The idea is to have a solid foundation to start growing your network.

3. Meet people 🤝

Attend professional events like conferences or trade shows in your industry. It's a great way to meet a lot of relevant people in a short time. Don’t hesitate to start a conversation and exchange contact details.

Organize meetings in face to face over coffee. Invite LinkedIn contacts you think are interesting to discuss topics related to your industry. These more intimate meetings will allow you to deepen the relationship.

Join professional associations in your field of activity. There you will be able to follow training, exchange with peers and create a solid local network.

Article to read: How to boost your CV and cover letter? 

In your daily life, be curious and open to chance encounters. Engage in conversation on public transportation, at events, etc. You never know what interesting relationships might form.

The important thing is not to stay alone behind your computer! Get out there, be proactive, and don't be afraid to approach new people. It is by multiplying your interactions that you will develop a rich and varied professional network.

4. Stay in touch ✉️

The most important step is to stay in touch with people in your network, even when you don't have a specific reason to contact them.

Send messages for news, share interesting articles on LinkedIn, invite your contacts to lunch or coffee from time to time. The more you interact, the stronger your relationships will be and the stronger your network will be.

5. Provide value 💡

To cultivate strong, lasting professional relationships, you must bring value to your network. Here are some tips to achieve this:

Share relevant information and useful for your contacts. Become a reliable source in your field by regularly sharing articles, studies, white papers that may be of interest to them.

Make recommendations and connections when it can help your contacts. For example, recommend a reliable supplier to a friend who is looking for services, or connect two contacts who could work well together.

Offer generously your advice and expertise if you can. Take the time to answer questions or help your contacts find solutions to their business problems.

Promote projects, products or services from your contacts. Talk about it around you, share publications on networks, give positive opinions.

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Article to read: Becoming self-employed in Senegal 

Thank and appreciate your contacts for their help and input. Remember, networking is a two-way street.

By regularly providing value to your network in various forms 💡, your contacts will be much more likely to support you and help you in return. Professional networking is above all based on the quality of your exchanges !


By following these 5 steps, you can quickly develop a strong professional network in Africa that will boost your career! Don't be afraid to go out out of your comfort zone and meet new people.

With time and effort, you will create lasting relationships that will open many doors for you. So get started today! 🚀

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