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Should I monetize my blog with Google Adsense?

Are you looking for ways to monetize your blog? Do you think Google Adsense can be the best option? You will like to know that this will depend on your blog and the type of content you write and offer on it. It is not uncommon to repeatedly hear bloggers recommending monetization through advertisements as the best way to start earn money with your blog and thus meet the first expenses.

Make a few announcements on the blog and start watching the money pile up in your Bank account! That's how it works, right?

But then, how true is it that Google Adsense is the best way to start monetizing a blog? In this article, we will see if it is necessary to monetize my blog with Google Adsense.

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Let's go !!

???? What is Google AdSense?

Google Adsense is a cost-per-click (CPC) advertising platform that allows bloggers to generate revenue through banners located everywhere on the Web and only by default and automatically.

These ads are configured to be relevant to the content of said blog. Compared to other advertising platforms, it's a pretty simple way to earn money even when you have a recently launched blog and it has little traffic.

Just add a little code and let Google do all the work for you. All you have to do is watch the checks arrive! Wait a minute, not so fast!

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Although Google Adsense has more than just proven benefits, it also has drawbacks that don't always make it the best asset for new bloggers. For this, we thought we would offer you alternatives to Google Adsense.

????So, should I implement Google AdSense on my blog

The advertisements are excellent, because compared to other ways to monetize your blog, they only require your time during the initial setup. After this configuration, you can press the autopilot.

They are certainly a source of passive income via a blog and therefore require much less effort and time than other ways to monetize a blog. If you are sure you want to monetize your blog with advertisements, Google Adsense is undoubtedly one of the ways simplest and most reliable to take that first step.

Ads usually require A LOT of traffic to generate a decent income, without forgetting that the user experience The professionalism of our Blog suffers with it. Therefore, knowing this, let's discuss some advantages and disadvantages of using Google Adsense.

????The advantages of Google Adsense

✔️ Easy to set up

Sometimes simplifying is winning, the more you delve into the world of blogging, the more you will find “stuff” techniques you don’t want to know anything about.

It is true that I recommend having a minimum of knowledge of the HTML and CSS programming languages, since they will help us make simple modifications in our blog without having to pay for it, not counting the small configurations that you can make in WordPress.

But I don't think you should spend all your time learning these and other programming languages ​​in detail. For more complex tasks, you can always hire professionals on sites like Fiverr.

To do this, you must first optimize and configure your account so that you earn a lot by doing little.

✔️ Insert banners and forget it

As a blogger, in the early stages of growing a blog, you have many tasks to complete, especially tasks related to creating content for your current and future users.

You don't have the time to attract brands who want to advertise on your blog, let alone the training required to do such recruitment and subsequent negotiation.

Google Adsense saves you that hassle since you basically have to add the code they provide to your blog and forget about it altogether. Google takes care of the rest and automatically displays ads that are relevant to your users to entice them to click.

✔️ They do not require minimal traffic

Generally, premium ad platforms pay more than Google Adsense. They are also stricter about which blogs they accept on their network.

One of the filters is usually a “ minimum traffic level ”, which means that if your blog does not have the minimum number of visitors that it stipulates, they reject you directly, so you cannot use their ads.

As you may have guessed, Google Adsense does not have this first handicap. You can therefore start making your first profits immediately, even if you only have a few dozen visits per day.

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Consider that no matter how big or small, a few minimal benefits can pay us for the domain, hosting or just the internet bill. Not to mention the more psychological aspects such as motivation, because it's not the same thing to generate 0 € that the right profit to invite your partner to a romantic dinner.

✔️ Accept taboo subjects

If before talking about premium advertising platforms, they put a filter for blogs with minimum visits. They also have another one that refuses the possibility of using your blog for their advertisements if it talks about topics “ taboos " in the society.

In fact, there is no problem in having a blog that talks about a specific topic that perhaps most of society maintains as a taboo subject. The problem arises when we try to monetize said blog and, therefore, this may not be the ideal way to turn your blog into a money-making machine.

But this is where Google Adsense can help you because it has such a large advertiser base that you can often find ads targeting those taboo topics that other platforms refuse to accept.

✔️ Advertisers can easily target your blog

Google Adsense places ads on your blog in different ways. In general, they analyze your content to later serve advertisements based on topics that they consider are related to your content and therefore optimize your (and their) lucrative options.

This may seem like irrelevant information, but if an advertisement performs really well, the advertiser may contact you personally to increase the agreements between them, i.e. they may decide to offer new forms of advertising or of sponsorship.

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Of course, to get to that point you would need a lot of traffic. Only then could the advertiser ask himself whether he should offer you the above.

✔️ Offers multiple ad formats

Generally, Adsense offers a wider variety of ad sizes and formats than other ad platforms. This way, ads can work best on your blog without completely breaking the harmony it has.

Google Adsense not only offers a large number of ad sizes, but also ad types (text, videos, static image, Rich media, etc.)

???? Disadvantages of Google AdSense

✔️ Adsense ads are not a short-term gold mine

You have just started the blog and have already spent a certain amount of money on purchasing the domain, hosting services, premium plugins, etc. So let me make a point about monetizing a blog.

Regardless of which path you choose to monetize your blog, you can't expect to generate hundreds of dollars overnight. It will take some time to cover your claims, and advertising revenue is unfortunately one of the slowest paths to make your blog profitable.

You will see it better with a small example:

  • Google Adsense pays you for each click generated by the ads you place on your blog.
  • The average number of clicks (CTR) for ads varies depending on the niche and how you display the ads. On average, it gets 0,1% of traffic.
  • So, let's say you have the option to generate €0,03 per click (CPC).

This means that you will have need 1000 visits per day to win only €0,03. Make your own conclusions.

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✔️ Adsense ads distract you and your readers

As a blogger, you are constantly struggling to find new and better ways to capture and hold your reader's attention. It’s frustrating how a single ad can take away all your attention spans.

But that's not all, monitoring, testing and managing your ads to make more money from them is also time consuming, so not only does it distract your reader, it also distracts you.

All of this translates into a large amount of time and attention that could be used in other facets such as creating new content or even other more profitable monetization methods for you.

✔️ Adsense ads can negatively impact your conversions

Did you know that 53% of mobile users will abandon any website that takes more than 3 seconds to load? Many factors influence the loading speed of a website. One of those that slows down this loading is definitely the ads.

Therefore, considering that ads slow down your blog and more than half of users will leave if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, it is not difficult to imagine a scenario in which your readers “ bounce ”, becoming a missed opportunity

And the trick does not end there, if you overcome the handicap that the user stays on your blog even when the loading speed is slow, know that there is another factor that can destroy the confidence of your readers, l 'aesthetic.

Between loading speed, distrust and the main objective of advertisements which is none other than to attract the attention of your readers, advertisements can have a very negative impact on your conversions.

✔️ Adsense Ads Can Ruin Your Goals

The primary goal of a blogger should always be to add value to their readers.

Yes, I understand that you also need to achieve a revenue goal, but always respecting the valuable content goal, otherwise there will be no activity.

Even, suppose an ad could generate something of value for your readers by offering something they were looking for, don't you think you could offer the same content value as an ad and at the same time earn more money with membership marketing and course creation?

Ultimately, the main goal of an ad is to get readers to click on the ad, and therefore leave your site, making it extremely difficult to establish a relationship with them and even offer them other more valuable resources. But as if that wasn't enough:

✔️ You will have to give up some control over the content

It is truly comforting to be in total control of what happens and stops happening. When you have a blog, you have this feeling, you have absolute control and you are the one in command of everything. Your blog is your baby, so you want the best for it.

This well-being is something that you will have to compromise to some extent when it comes to ads. There is a very high percentage of you who “sell out” to the temptation of placing the goal of generating money above the goal of generating valuable content.

Adapt all your content to that of advertisements, to generate more clicks, and therefore more profitability.

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The problem is that you won't be able to control what the ads look like, or where they redirect, let alone what treatment is given to your reader there, so you lose control of “your baby”.

In addition, you will not be the absolute boss of your own blog, that is, if you want to charge for advertisements, Google imposes terms and conditions, which are not crazy, but which impose limits to continue to obtain income from them.

✔️ Adsense ads can slow down your audience growth

If when a new visitor comes to your blog and the first thing they see are ads, it's inevitable that they'll feel like you try to sell him Something.

Unfortunately, this feeling can break the reader's trust with you long before the relationship even began.

Advertisers have very relentless selling techniques, often generating a sense of urgency and need. Obviously these sales techniques, which you cannot control, but which are related to your blog, will be the culprits of generating zero trust and therefore the reader ignoring your calls to action towards your own products or services.

✔️ Adsense ads could harm your reputation

Coming back to the question of control, there will be countless companies displaying their ads on your blog, whether you share values ​​or not, their goal will be to “ steal » the user and you will not have control over this.

Perhaps many of the products that end up appearing you would never recommend to your readers, because the ad might contradict the message you want to convey.

For example, if you are talking about how to get out of debt and to do this you must avoid the temptations of “easy money“, it would not be very good if an ad about gambling or casinos appeared in this post, probably it would damage your reputation.

It is inevitable that your readers will associate you with the products advertised on your site, whether you recommend them or not.

As a blogger, you know perfectly well that you have no control over the advertisements served by the Google Adsense algorithm. But readers don't know this and will assume that you approve to some extent of the ads that appear on your blog.

???? What other ways are there to monetize my blog?

And now that we have analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Google Adsense, I imagine that you will wait until I get wet and tell you to use this mode or not.

Well, my conclusion is this: there is no income potential in Google Adsense. What little you can gain from growing up doesn't cover the costs of attention and confidence building.

If you want to make a lot of money as a professional blogger, adding ads should definitely be one of the last options to consider. But rest assured, there is other ways to monetize your blog and in a much more lucrative way, where you maintain full control and your reputation remains intact.

Here are some of my favorite ways to monetize a blog:

  • Amazon Affiliate Program.
  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Create and sell your own information products.

These three ways will make you earn money from your blog in a much more natural way and without leaving your "Baby" and your reputation exposed to the use of advertisements that have only one thing in mind, to sell at the price of everything. In any case, consult our complete training on how to live 100% from your blog.

???? In summary…

Google AdSense is a good way to monetize his blog with advertising. This technique is very easy to set up.

However, it has many disadvantages as you have noticed with me. Fortunately, several alternatives to Google Adsense exist. Click here to read my article on alternatives to google Adsense.

Thank you for the trust you place in Finance de Demain. Leave me a comment. Thank you.

Faustin Djoufouet

I am a Doctor in Finance and an Expert in Islamic Finance. Business consultant, I am also a Teacher-Researcher at the High Institute of Commerce and Management, Bamenda of University. Group Founder Finance de Demain and author of several books and scientific articles.

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Faustin Djoufouet

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