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All about green finance

Faced with the climate emergency, mobilization of finance is crucial to finance the ecological transition. Green finance consists of directing financial flows towards environmentally and socially sustainable activities. It makes it possible to decarbonize the economy by investing massively in renewable energies, thermal renovation, clean transport and all key sectors of the transition.

However, the share of green finance is still marginal at the global level. Her accelerated development is essential to hope to achieve carbon neutrality and respect the Paris Agreement. The colossal task requires awareness and mobilization of all financial players.

In this article, discover everything you need to know about green finance, its crucial issues and the levers for developing it on a large scale. But before we begin, here is how to become a successful entrepreneur.

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📍 What is green finance?

green finance, also called sustainable finance or responsible finance, consists of directing financial flows towards projects and companies that contribute positively to the ecological and energy transition.

Concretely, green finance seeks to:

  • Reduce gas emissions greenhouse effect, in particular through the financing of renewable energies, thermal renovation, soft mobility and sustainable agriculture
  • Preserving biodiversity, by financing the protection of ecosystems
  • Fight against pollution in all its forms (air, water, soil)
  • Optimize management natural resources, via the circular economy for example
  • Help the territories to adapt to climate change
  • Improve resilience savings in the face of environmental risks.

Green finance uses different levers for this: sustainable investments, green bonds, green subsidized loans, climate insurance, extra-financial reporting, etc. Its players are multiple: investors, banks, insurers, States, etc. Your Financial Advisor will tell you better.

(I.e. Why is it crucial?

Green finance is essential to respond to the ecological and climate emergency. According to the IPCC, global warming must be limited to +1,5°C by 2100 to avoid dramatic consequences.🌡️

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To achieve this, it is imperative to drastically and quickly reduce CO2 emissions in all sectors. This requires a profound transformation of our modes of production and consumption.

However, this transition requires massive investments, of the order of several trillion euros. Green finance makes it possible to mobilize this capital to finance the decarbonization of the economy. 🌱

Without this reorientation of financial flows, it will be almost impossible to meet the climate objectives set by the Paris Agreement. Finance therefore has a central role to play in accelerate the ecological transition. It holds some of the keys to a sustainable future.

👥 Who are the players in green finance?

Many financial players are involved in the development of green finance:

The banks, via green loans to businesses and individuals for sustainable projects. Asset managers and funds investment companies, which allocate part of their portfolios to responsible companies or green projects.

Institutional investors such as pension funds or insurance companies, which are increasingly committed to ESG investment strategies.

Rating agencies non-financial, which evaluate the ESG performance of companies. The states, which adopt regulations to encourage financial actors to integrate climate risk into their decisions.

Financial regulators, which define transparency standards and obligations in terms of sustainable finance. Central bankss, which can refinance green loans or exclude certain polluting assets from their programs.

contractors, startups and SMEs offering sustainable innovations and solutions to be financed. THEs NGOs and associations, which raise awareness and encourage virtuous practices. The transition requires a coordinated mobilization of all these actors.

(I.e. What are the areas targeted by green finance

Green finance or sustainable finance aims to direct investments and financial activities towards projects and businesses that respect the environment and sustainable development. Here are the main areas targeted by green finance:

  1. Renewable energies

The field of renewable energies is at the heart of green finance. It aims to finance the massive deployment of clean energy sources to replace carbon-emitting fossil fuels. greenhouse gas.

A major aspect is the financing of large onshore and offshore wind farms as well as large photovoltaic or concentrated solar power plants. These large-scale projects require enormous investments that sustainable finance seeks to mobilize from public institutions, green funds or private investors.

But investments also concern smaller installations: citizen wind farms, rooftop solar power plants, small agricultural methanization units, micro-hydraulic power plants, etc. The objective is to promote a green and decentralized energy mix.

Funding also covers emerging technologies such as geothermal energy for electricity and heating, or new generation biofuels from biomass. Another key area is the deployment of intermittent green electricity storage systems (batteries, compressed air energy transfer stations, hydrogen production and storage, etc.).

  1. Energy efficiency

Alongside the development of clean energy, green finance focuses on ways to reduce our overall energy consumption to through energy efficiency.

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In heavy industry (steel, cement, chemicals, papermaking, etc.), significant investments are necessary to modernize production processes and make them less energy-intensive. This may involve new, more efficient equipment, heat recovery systems or even the electrification of processes.

The residential and tertiary building sector is also a major target with the financing of large-scale energy renovation programs. This involves reinforced thermal insulation, the replacement of aging heating/air conditioning systems, the installation of energy-efficient equipment (LED, class A+++ household appliances, etc..) and the deployment of intelligent energy management solutions (smart grids).

Mobility is another key area, with investments to develop electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, modernize public transport, optimize transport logistics to reduce emissions, and promote soft mobility. Efforts are also being made in the eco-design of vehicles to make them ever lighter and more aerodynamic.

Finally, investments aim to increase energy efficiency in many other economic sectors by financing audits, training, research & development, certifications, etc.

  1. Sustainable management of natural resources

Beyond the energy transition, green finance aims to preserve natural resources while meeting the needs of populations and the economy.

In the agricultural sector, funds are directed towards the development of more sustainable practices. This may involve financing the conversion to organic farming, agroforestry, agroecology, permaculture crops or even the reduction of chemical inputs. Another axis is the preservation of existing forests and reforestation via responsible and sustainable silviculture and logging programs.

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Part of the funding is dedicated to the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems, wetlands and biodiversity in order to maintain the major ecological balances of the planet. Sustainable finance also supports integrated and rational management initiatives for freshwater resources and coastal zones.

But the heart of the challenge lies in the development of a circular economic model aimed at reducing, reusing, repairing and recycling resources and waste. We must massively finance the modernization of waste management infrastructures, the deployment of recovery, recycling and circular economy sectors in all sectors of activity.

  1. Clean mobility

Transport is one of the main sectors emitting greenhouse gases. The transition to cleaner, low-carbon mobility is therefore an absolute priority for green finance.

A substantial part of investments is directed towards the large-scale deployment of electric vehicles and the construction of associated charging infrastructure (terminals, smart grids). In addition to electric cars and vans, financing also covers buses and heavy goods vehicles running on electricity or using other clean engines (hydrogen, etc.).

The development of public transport is also the subject of massive investments to offer citizens alternatives to the use of private cars: new metro lines, trams, clean buses, regional trains, etc. In rural areas, soft and innovative mobility solutions need to be financed.

In the field of freight, the optimization of logistics and the modal shift towards more energy-efficient means of transport (rail, maritime, river) will make it possible to reduce the carbon impact of the sector. Green finance also pushes for the modernization of fleets and the adoption of greener fueling technologies (LNG, sustainable biofuels, hydrogen, etc.).

Finally, mobility “fresh” resilient and decarbonized is not to be outdone with investments in cycling infrastructure, pedestrian zones, car-sharing and carpooling services, etc.

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  1. Igreen infrastructure

Green finance also intervenes in the financing of more ecological infrastructures to prepare cities and territories for the challenges of sustainable development.

A major focus is the construction and renovation of buildings certified “high environmental performance” (LEED, BREEAM, HQE, etc.). These can include buildings that are carbon neutral through bio-based materials, bioclimatic design, low energy consumption and on-site energy production.

Urban drinking water and sanitation networks are also the subject of investments to make them more efficient, secure and resilient. Green finance finances the construction of more advanced water treatment facilities, environmentally friendly sewage treatment plants and desalination plants. It also makes it possible to modernize wastewater collection and rainwater management systems.

Improved management of municipal waste is another important aspect with the financing of infrastructure dedicated to sorting, recycling, revaluation and treatment of final residues. Green finance also pushes cities to develop green spaces, green corridors, urban agriculture and renaturation to promote biodiversity.

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🏁 Closing

The mobilization of finance in the service of climate and biodiversity is vital to succeed in the ecological transition. Green finance has colossal potential to decarbonize the economy if it develops on a mass scale. It could then become a decisive driver of change towards a sustainable model.

The challenges are immense, but so are the opportunities. There is still time to act! ⏱️ Solutions exist, provided you place green finance at the heart of priorities. Many levers are available to businesses, states and citizens to accelerate this essential development.

The future of our planet is in our hands. Mobilization must be total to meet the immense challenge of ecological transition. Green finance has date with history ! But before I leave you, what is a no founding check, what is a treasure bond?

FAQ – Everything you need to know about green finance

What is green finance?

Green finance involves integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into investment decisions and financial sector activities. The objective is to direct financial flows towards environmentally and socially sustainable activities and projects.

What are the tools of green finance?

The main tools are:

  • Green funds: investment funds specializing in green assets (shares or bonds of companies contributing to the ecological transition).
  • Green bonds: bond issues earmarked for the financing of projects with environmental benefits.
  • Green loans: bank loans financing sustainable projects or assets.
  • Impact investing: targeted investments in companies/projects with high social or environmental impact.

Who are the players in green finance?

All financial players are concerned: banks, insurance companies, asset management companies, institutional investors. Companies are also issuing more and more green bonds to finance their ecological transition.

What are the benefits of green finance?

For investors, it is about managing climate risk and improving the resilience of portfolios. For financed companies, this helps accelerate their low-carbon transition. At the macro level, this helps limit global warming by redirecting investments.

What are the current limits?

Efforts are still necessary to avoid greenwashing and ensure the real positive impact of financial products labeled “green”. The share of investments aligned with the Paris Agreement remains marginal.

How to strengthen green finance?

By developing demanding labels, transparency of stakeholders via robust ESG reporting, and binding regulations to effectively direct money towards low-carbon and sustainable activities.

Faustin Djoufouet

I am a Doctor in Finance and an Expert in Islamic Finance. Business consultant, I am also a Teacher-Researcher at the High Institute of Commerce and Management, Bamenda of University. Group Founder Finance de Demain and author of several books and scientific articles.

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Faustin Djoufouet

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