Make money with email marketing
email marketing

Make money with email marketing

Do you want to earn more money from email marketing ? Welcome to the club ! It's never been easier to start making money online, your subscriber list can be an absolutely huge source of income... if you do it right. You will need to write a good marketing plan.

Today I'm going to show you how you can start using your contact list to make more money with email marketing. But before that, I would first like to tell you what we mean by email marketing, its advantages and its importance in your business.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing involves sending a commercial email to your “ email subscribers » – contacts who have subscribed to your mailing list and who have expressly authorized to receive email communications from you. It is used to inform, stimulate sales and create a community around your brand (for example with a newsletter).

Le email marketing Modern email marketing has moved away from one-size-fits-all mass mailings and instead focuses on consent, segmentation, and personalization. Emails can be promotional or informational and fulfill a specific goal in the buyer’s journey. From order confirmations to newsletters, emails are a vital aspect of growing and running your business. Email marketing will help achieve 3 key goals:

email marketing

1. Conversions of your visitors (sale of your products and services)

Launch a sale or promotion? You can send an email marketing campaign to your subscribers to boost sales. Other email marketing techniques known to increase conversion rates include:

Discount or special offer emails (birthday/anniversary emails, welcome emails, re-engagement emails) Abandoned cart emails (triggered whenever a visitor abandons a shopping cart in your online store).

2. Brand awareness

The great thing about email is that it allows you to reach someone directly. This is one-to-one communication at its best. And besides, people don't let anyone into their inbox these days. It's an organized space for favorite brands and publications.

Appearing in someone's inbox will help your brand stay top of mind. A personalized marketing email is more impactful than a social media post where you can't be sure if anyone actually saw your message. One of the main benefits of email marketing is its scalability. This means that emails can be sent to a large number of recipients at a relatively low cost (compared to other marketing channels).

3. Customer loyalty

Email engages customers at every stage of the buyer's journey: lead-nurturing, conversion, integration, retention. It is a powerful tool for building community. You can create newsletter content so good that subscribers will expect it to arrive every week.

Why Email Marketing is Important ?

Email is accessible to all age groups. It opens the door to a wide range of audiences, even the least digitally savvy among us. We may live in the digital age, but not everyone is as comfortable using the Internet. However, most people don't know how to check their email. This makes it the most common form of marketing.

Email marketing is extremely profitable. Most email marketing tools offer pricing plans to fit any budget. In reality, the barrier to entry has never been lower. Now let's move on to the main part of this guide: how to make money with email marketing.

Article to read: How to make money with Cashlink

The stages of monetization of email marketing

#1. Create a larger contact list

The first thing to do to monetize email marketing is to build the contact list. It's something obvious, yes. But it is also very true. It's much easier to get more money from your email list when you have more people to sell your products to.

This means improving the level of landing pages, opt-ins and incentives. Don't be lazy and hope that only people will be inspired to sign up. No, it doesn't work that way. Make joining your list so irresistible that everyone who visits your website can't wait to sign up.

#2. Encourage your visitors to register

We can never say it enough. You need to give your visitors some incentive for them to sign up. Give them lots of perks or bonuses. If it means selling a product or two (at a loss) to show them you mean business, so think about it.

It also means not bombarding them with tons of sales pitches up front. Make your readers feel like they are getting a lot of amazing material for free, and it will be easier for them to buy when you offer them a product.

# 3. Affiliate Marketing: best way to monetize email marketing

Once you've built your mailing list, it's time to make money with email marketing. A word of warning: do not spam your contacts ! Now that we have cleared things up, you have a great opportunity to make money from your list with affiliate marketing. When you find a great product that is complementary to the product or service you offer, tell your contacts about it. Let them know that this product can help them solve their problem.

email marketing

# 4. Sell ​​your own products with email marketing

It's always a good idea to have something of your own somewhere on the internet. When you have a list of people who are already interested in you and what you have to say, it's like having a custom audience right there.

Use it. Explore the data, ask your contacts about their challenges, and deliver a high-quality product to solve them. Then tell your contacts about the product. Tell them you will solve their problems. Since they already trust you, it becomes a much easier sale.

# 5. Return abandoned carts

If you've ever had an online store, you know that some shoppers will abandon their carts. The question is, do you really agree with that? I do not believe that. When this happens, refocus them. Follow up and ask why they didn't buy. Send them a link to return to their cart, or even offer them a discount for purchasing again.

# 6. Segment your mailing list

Are you already segmenting your email list? If not, you should start doing so now. It’s time to put that on the back burner. When you segment your list, you can start to understand who your “ the buyers' » and who are just passing through your site. These true fans are the people you want to target. When you have your segmented buyers on your own list, you can easily target them with upsells. Use a “autoresponder” that specifically targets buyers on your list.

#7. Use their reviews

Another great way to sell, without selling directly, is to do reviews. Target products and services that can help not only your business, but your readers as well. You can write full product reviews (with your honest opinion) and share them with readers and your contact list. If you use reviews to show people how your business has improved and how it can improve theirs, so it's precious – much more than just emailing a link to the product and asking people to buy.

#8. Monetize your newsletter subscriptions

Many people make a profit by offering a paid newsletter. You can market it to your contact list to get even more premium content for a monthly fee.

The key here, obviously, is to make sure the premium content you give them is really Premium. You want them to immediately feel like they're earning their money. Additionally, you want to make sure you don't give this content away anywhere else. Therefore, do not offer certain old blog posts as “Premium” content, you could run the risk of dissatisfying your contacts.

#9. Repeat promotions

If one of your email campaigns worked as you hoped, why not reuse it? It's there that testing and monitoring come into play. You need to monitor all of your campaigns and promotions to see what gave you the best success rates. Once you do this, it’s very easy to get your campaigns back on track. Chances are you’ll pick up at least a few new buyers who weren’t ready to buy before, but now you are.

#10. Improve your texts

You might have an amazing list and the perfect product or service to sell. But what if your text isn't adequate? It will not get the desired results. This is where good text comes in. Work on improving your email sales copy and you will see your purchase rates increase just for that. If you don’t have the time or skills to get copy that attracts users, hire someone else who can, you will see that investment turn into new buyers.

#11. Share your past posts

Very often, some of your best content is rarely seen by new visitors. Solve this problem by embedding some of your best posts in their emails. Doing this accomplishes several things. You are adding something of value to your contact list, as stated above, and by sharing posts, you will build a good relationship with them. Also, if you have comments and ads on your posts, these new visits will increase the chances of clicks, which will generate more revenue.

#12. Maintain balance in your contact list

The best mailing lists are those that are balanced and manage the expectations of their subscribers. You will never be successful if you somehow fall too low when it comes to selling and not. This is where the balance comes into play.

Let your readers know what to expect with your list and don't bombard them with unexpected sales pitches. This is a very good method to use if you want more cancellations. Instead, focus on creating value and building relationships first, then start showcasing the offers and promotions that you know will help your readers.

#13. Offer coaching

In general, readers come to your site because they need help or want to learn something from you, about your skills. So why not capitalize on that? Most likely, there is a group of people on your list who will gladly pay you for your advice, knowledge, and help.

Create a quick overview of how your training works and offer it to your list. Tell them you'll only be giving it to a small group as part of a limited time offer. The results may end up surprising you.

#14. Surprise them with free stuff

Everyone loves a surprise. And, everyone loves a surprise that involves free stuff. So, use this idea with your list. Create a couple of pieces of content that you know will directly engage and help your subscribers. Then offer that free content as a “surprise bonus” a few times in between weeks. Your list will eventually love their freebies and this will go a long way in truly solidifying a positive, trusting relationship. If you try just a few of these tips on your email list, you’ll start to see results.

Remember to always check what your subscribers’ needs are to make sure you’re giving them the content they want. Once you do, it will be much easier to make money from your email marketing because you’ll know what to offer. Please Share this article on all the social networks you can, with a few clicks you can help us grow and continue to create quality content. However, if you want to take control of your personal finances in six months, I highly recommend this guide.

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I am a Doctor in Finance and an Expert in Islamic Finance. Business consultant, I am also a Teacher-Researcher at the High Institute of Commerce and Management, Bamenda of University. Group Founder Finance de Demain and author of several books and scientific articles.

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