What is a token burn?

“Token burn” means permanently removing a certain number of tokens from circulation. This is usually done by transferring the tokens in question to a burn address, i.e. a wallet from which they can never be retrieved. This is often described as token destruction.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrency has become a mainstream investment asset class. If you're looking to add some to your portfolio, it can be hard to know where to start. Cryptocurrency is currently unregulated and investing in it may seem wilder than Wall Street. Cryptocurrencies have outperformed just about every other asset class this year, leading many investors to wonder whether they should include Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other coins in their portfolios.

How to easily mine cryptocurrencies?

How to mine cryptocurrencies easily?
cryptocurrency mining

Bitcoin mining is a process by which a new set of crypto assets are generated and injected into circulation. The process also includes confirming new block transactions. Notably, this process requires solving algorithmic equations that verify transactions in the crypto asset. It is common knowledge that you can trade cryptocurrencies on the market, but did you know that you can mine them? Yes, crypto mining is one thing, and to take it a step further, you can mine on your smartphone.