Understanding the bull and bear market

Do you know what a bear market and a bull market are? What would you say to me if I told you that the bull and the bear are involved in all this? If you are new to the world of trading, understanding what is a bull market and a bear market will be your ally to get back on the right foot in the financial markets. If you want to know more about bull and bear markets before investing, if you want to know the characteristics and seek advice for investing in each of them, you have come to the right place.

Origins and taxation of cryptocurrencies

Origins and taxation of cryptocurrencies
Crypto Market. One Golden Dogecoin Coin on Laptop Computer Cryptocurrency Financial Systems Concept.

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies also known as digital financial assets or cryptographic assets. But how are cryptocurrencies born? What is the origin? Created to function as a medium of exchange in which the holders of money create their own value,

From traditional banks to cryptocurrencies 

The history of cryptocurrencies dates back to 2009. They burst onto the scene as an alternative to traditional banking and financial markets. However, many banking and financial institutions today rely on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to enhance their system. Furthermore, many newly created cryptocurrencies are also trying to enter the traditional financial market.

10 steps to master a communication strategy

Maintaining a creative communication strategy is more than ever necessary to capture the interest of an increasingly demanding public expressing its dissatisfaction with advertisements and clichéd messages. Creativity is a clear differentiator, something that many companies already apply on a daily basis to become unique, compared to other competitors.