Understanding the bull and bear market

Do you know what a bear market and a bull market are? What would you say to me if I told you that the bull and the bear are involved in all this? If you are new to the world of trading, understanding what is a bull market and a bear market will be your ally to get back on the right foot in the financial markets. If you want to know more about bull and bear markets before investing, if you want to know the characteristics and seek advice for investing in each of them, you have come to the right place.

Spot market and futures market

In an economy, financial transactions hold an important place as they help to affect people's savings and investments. Financial instruments such as commodities, securities, currencies, etc. are made and traded by investors in the market. Financial markets are often categorized by the time of delivery. These markets can be spot markets or futures markets.

What is a secondary market?

If you are an investor, trader, broker, etc. you will probably have heard of the secondary market by now. This market is opposed to the primary market. In fact, it is a type of financial market that facilitates the sale and purchase of previously issued securities by investors. These securities are generally stocks, bonds, investment notes, futures and options. All commodity markets as well as stock exchanges are classified as secondary markets.